(Planet Me)
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Places Of Interest

How to Tackle Salary Negotiations - Cat I'm looking your way!
The best/worst Formula 1 crashes of history - allegedly.
A Tree Of Shoes In Newcastle - how bizarre
Charles Mingus Toilet Trained Cats - curious.
You can now buy Jetpacks! - 43 years later than Thunderball, mind you.
Top 10 imaginary bands - rawk
Insomniacs Blog - better than it sounds
Dave Gorman has a blog - what an adventure!
Advanced use of emoticons..
Top 10 Movie Creatures - supposedly
How to knit a house - Too.Much.Time.
How To Avoid Trapped Arms - when cuddling in bed
10 real life Superheroes - how odd
Joy Division Blog - sort of.
Who's Fucking Who? - odd.
James Brown Gives Dancing Lessons - FUNK on a roll
...as does Elijah Wood - doing the PuppetMaster!
Burglar breaks in and says sorry - hmm
The 9 worst superpowers - true
The Dead Format Graveyard - CD's are extinct...?
Pig Shaped BAcon Alaram Clock - er, ok, very odd.
The Museum of Hoaxes - indeed
How much crap does a Baby Albatross eat? - a lot.

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