(Planet Me)
Thursday, September 14, 2023
MARK'S NOTCAST Ep 317 : Kraftwerk's "Autobahn" 1973-1975. 14 September 2023.

Released in November 1974, Kraftwerk's fourth album - "Autobahn" - is the first official part of their Gesamtkunstwerk - a complete work of art where every element from music, lyrics, sound, design and aesthetic form a unified, conceptual whole, with the album reflecting the liberation of technology geographically, and the journey through night to day. I talk about the formation of the classic quartet, the first use of the 'Man Machine' concept, Brutalist architecture, prison food, Motorway service stations, the Forton Tower, a German only 7", different voltages on tour, the 2004 and 2009 remasters, the 2017 re-recording, and anything else I can think of! 14 September 2023.

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