Thursday, April 21, 2005
Draw Yourself in a South Park Style. As a result, today I no longer look like a human being, but look as if the God that created me is actually an identikit team of Korean Animators. And made in their image, I - and thus, they - look like this.

Today has been very busy. We were up early and changing tyres on Giles car. Then we drove to the Registry office, where we set a Very Important Date for the future. After this we went into town, where the Little Guy decided He Wasn't Going In, No Sir, so we went home, then when he was sleeping, sneaked into town. In town, I managed to pick up some lightbulbs, some batteries, a DVD (the Fancy Edition of Goodfellas), the Nine Inch Nails single, and the brand new, fantastic, and utterly unmelodic album by Fantomas, with a free MP3 to sample the roar in my silly head. Being 30 'songs' in 43 minutes, and each song between three or four 20 minute minisongs, it's always surprising for me to listen to, because you never know quite what's coming next.

This was lunch. My God. I know there was three of us, and we hadn't eaten all day, but I could practically feel my arteries harden. It wasn't helped by the fact that I had one of those buy-one-get-one-free voucher books, so we've been junkfooding there if we need to. I keep half-saying "Supersize Me". Talking of which, McDonalds pretend to be withdrawing SuperSize Meals because they care, but really it's just increased their per-capita profits. Because the difference in price and the difference in size are unequable, and they make more profit per burger or fry on the smaller ones than the bigger ones.
Anyway, if you don't want the new Manics EP in non-DRM'ed MP3's, don't email me.
Links du jour :
Prescott mistakes the words "charm" and "offensive"
End Of Oil Sooner Than You Think