Thursday, July 07, 2005

Holy fuck.
Explosions in Russell Square, King's Cross, Old Street, Liverpool Street, Aldgate, Bank, Edgeware Road, Houndsditch. A bus exploded in Tavistock Square. Two other bus explosions. The underground suspended. At least one fatality. Blood on the VBMA Building. Reports of a suspect package in Liverpool Street. The possibility of a train crash underground.
20 confirmed dead.
Is this our 9/11?
What is going on?
Thank fuck I was late today. Normally I pass through Russell Square at the time of the explosion, if I'm working in town. I was due to be working in town today, but was running late.
What do they want?
Do they want war? Whoever it is, is this the opening salvo in the dirty war? Who is to blame? No doubt some cunts will blame the French for losing the Olympics. No doubt some will blame anarchists. No doubt George Bush will read "My Pet Goat", blame the darkies, and start locking up and torturing the weirds looking ones. No doubt Tony Blair will use it as an excuse to enforce ID Cards on us, because they are well known for their bomb proof capabilities.
I am alive. Normally I would've been in Russell Square somewhere near the time the explosion there happened.

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Don't know you too well, but glad to hear you are alive and well.
And btw, will probably start reading now!
Stay safe!
And btw, will probably start reading now!
Stay safe!
power surge my arse.
walking home tonight, then? you are a lucky, lucky boy.
relieved to hear you are ok.
walking home tonight, then? you are a lucky, lucky boy.
relieved to hear you are ok.
I was wondering about your status ever since I saw the headline of the attack. Glad to read that you're still with us.
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