(Planet Me)
Thursday, December 28, 2006
One Nation Under Dog
"Are you sure this is a good idea, God?"
"Fuck yeah, do it."

Jehovah's Witnesses have been rocking like hard on Jesus Bastards for the Lord recently. The End Of False Religion Is Near! and All Suffering Soon To End! have both arrived in our temple of RAWK recently. We haven't had a street facing front door for seven years, so this new influx of religious tracts is fairly new to us. Although it's happened all before...

At least we haven't been dorrstepped by Jehovah's Witnesses recently. Did you know that they think it's OK to lie to you since they do not consider you, as an outsider, worth the truth (more here)? (according to the online text, which I am too lazy to read).

82% of the country regard religion as perpetrating more harm to this country than good, and here's a good article from The Guardian about it. As they themselves admit, the problem is not religion, but false religion : any religion based upon a falsehood is false. And if, like me, you reject the possibility of a deity, then you're fucked. Devil be tickling your toes in the afterlife. A seven headed beast with ten horns with a harlot sitting on the back of a fearsome beast? Have you ever read Revelations?

It's like Monty Python, on crack. (check the chronology, I swear there's a demonic kitchen sink in there). Anyway, look at that cover art up there - unless you like Bison, sitting in fields with your hetereosexual partner, shooting abortionists and homosexualites, then you're in trouble. Seven headed beasts? Trumpets? Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria!

Is this true? "Yes. This man has no dick."

In the meantime, the question the great philosophers should be asking themselves is... "ARE YOU A GOD? THEN DIE!!!!"

I noticed this little gem on one of the links

'see the book Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand!'

Fuck that made me laugh
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