(Planet Me)
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
The Guilty One by Lisa Ballantyne

.... as my wife describes it : "I think the adult in this is called Daniel and he is assigned a case as a defence solicitor. You know when they provide a solicitor for you, when you're poor? It's about him and when he was growing up as a foster child who was then adopted by a woman whose daughter was killed in a car accident. One chapter is about him, the next about a boy who was charged with murdering his playmate who is only 11. It's a bit predictable in the end but you might not want to say that and is well written. His birth mother is more interesting than the murder storyline, but thats because it is less predictable. Some interesting parallels because of the young boys father is abusive and Daniels mother was abused by her various partners. Its a redemption story. But the other kid seems to live a priviledged lifestyle and is spoilt. It's a reverse redemption."

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