(Planet Me)
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
MARK'S NOTCAST Ep 275 : Flaming Lips "Zaireeka!" / "The Soft Bulletin" 1...

Notcast 275! The Flaming Lips recorded two albums at the same time in 1997-1999, released their frankly weird 4CD "Zaireeka" (a quad album which required 4CD's to play in sync to fully experience) in 1997, and their sublime, gorgeous "The Soft Bulletin" in 1999 - which is one of my favourite albums. There were 2 singles, a limited bootleg album distributed to the fanbase as a CDR, an expanded 5.1 DVD edition with unreleased extra songs, and later coloured vinyl editions of the albums. Let's go in! 15 March 2023.

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